Sisters of Sci-Fi

Sisters of Sci-Fi Presents: Earth Crew 2042: the codex conundrum

Episode 2 of Earth Crew 2042, an episodic radio play by the Sisters of Sci-Fi podcast that is a light-hearted love letter to 1970s sci-fi.  The members of Earth Crew 2042 encounter a ship run by supercomputer 01000101 and it’s impudent humanoid inhabitants. Are they friendly, or is there something else, something… nefarious afoot? Written,…

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Sisters of Sci-Fi Presents: The King of Empty Spaces

Trigger and content warning for discussions of genocide, massacres, warfare, murder (including murder of family members) and use of chemical weapons. These are mentioned without graphic details. A short speculative fiction audio story by L. Stephanie Tait. Read by Kimberly Rockwell. King Vusaad sits on his throne, in his empty kingdom, and muses on his…

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Sisters of Sci-Fi Presents: Untitled in Saturn’s Rings

DISCLAIMER- all parts of this production are fiction, including the advertisements. Untitled in Saturn’s Rings is a narrative “radio-documentary” by L. Stephanie Tait A week before the opening of the MoMA lifetime retrospect of alien artist Barbara Ksstrpr, she and her husband, Doran Ksstrpr agree to a rare interview about their lives and her artistic…

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Sisters of Sci-Fi Presents: Earth Crew 2042: the journey begins

Earth Crew 2042 is a new episodic radio play by the Sisters of Sci-Fi podcast that is a light-hearted love letter to 1970s sci-fi.  In the year 2042, Earthlings have conquered their solar system. The United Earth government has selected two astronauts to travel deep into the unknowns of our galaxy to expand the realms…

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Episode 31: L.A. Young- Race and Oppression in Sci-Fi

L.A. Young generously does a guest-takeover-episode of the podcast to talk about race and oppression in Science Fiction. With her extensive knowledge, she gives suggestions and examples of works by Black Sci-Fi/Speculative Fiction authors that have used the genre to address the issues of racism and social justice within society. The biggest thank you to…

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Episode 30: Jeanne Cavelos- Astrophysics, Sci-Fi, and the Odyssey Writing Workshop

Jeanne Cavelos and I talk about her journey from Astrophysicist to Sci-Fi editor, to writer, to creator of the Odyssey Writing Workshop. Odyssey Writing Workshops Charitable Trust site (lots of free resources for writers): Jeanne’s site: Odyssey Blog: Odyssey Facebook Page: Odyssey Twitter Page: Odyssey Instagram Page: Odyssey Pinterest Page: Odyssey YouTube Channel: The next…

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Episode 29: Joyce Chng- Rider

This episode is filled with SPOILERS, since we give specifics throughout our discussion. Theo Embeck and I cannot say enough good things about Joyce Chng’s book Rider, which is the first book in the Rider trilogy. You can purchase copies of the series here: The next book we cover will be Love and Gravity, by…

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Episode 28: Dalal Hanna and Andrea Reid- Riparia and Freshwater Ecology

Dalal Hanna and Andrea Reid, of the organization Riparia, and I talk about their work to educate young women on the importance of freshwater ecology and fisheries, as well as the importance of educating young women through Riparia on how they can make a difference. Instagram: @Dalal_el_Hanna and @AndreaJaneReid and @RipariaExpeditions Twitter: @Dalal_el_Hanna and @andreajanereid…

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Episode 27: Mary Shelley- Lodore and Frankenstein; or, a Modern Prometheus

This episode is filled with SPOILERS, since we give specifics throughout our discussion. Melissa Selzer and I cover a LOT in this episode- not only do we talk about two of Mary Shelley’s works (Frankenstein and Lodore), we also talk about the history of Gothic Literature, our personal experiences with reading Frankenstein when we were…

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Episode 26: Dr. Monifa Phillips- Materials Physics and Scientific Patents

Dr. Monifa Phillips and I talk about her recent PhD research, and her current career as an electronics and engineering trainee patent attorney. You can find her on twitter at @monifa_monifa And her linkedin: Here is the article about the Anywayup Cup: The Avatar of Monifa (used as the thumbnail for this episode)…

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