Melissa Selzer and I talked about We and Our Own by one of histories most incredible women, Magdalena Mouján Otaño.
The poem, of the same name, written by her grandfather, that inspired this short story is here:
Zer da Euskera, nor da euskaldunak,
Zeiñ, will Nongotarrak say?
Galdezka daude atzerritarrak
Ontara Begira,
mundu gustyan bere berdiñik
Ez Duben Euskal will miss.
Eziñ ikusi gaituste ondo,
irten gautezen argira,
iñork mantxarik sortu ez dezan
Gure Jatorri Garbira.
– Pedro Mari Otaño
Our next book will be Bloodline by Claudia Gray. It may be available at your local library, or it can be purchased on Amazon.
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